Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Living my life the guilt free way... (Day #9)

First, I want to say that weekends are super hard to find time to post an update; which means that today I have a lot to say, and you might have a lot to read...

On Friday I was super psyched for the weekend - and the excitement did not wear off.  After I got home, I decided to weigh myself - and I can not explain how I felt when I saw that the scale stated that I had lost 2 pounds. It might not seem like much - but losing 2 pounds is better than GAINING 2 pounds. I was psyched!!! After that, I  made dinner and my brother in law and his girlfriend came over for a game of monopoly. We played until about 1:00 am, and not once did I have a late night craving.

Saturday was hectic, I've noticed that on the weekends - dieting is much more challenging for me. Not so much because of the food, but because I tend to forget to eat. Since I had guests from the night before, I made everyone breakfast. Here's what I made: Hash browns, cheddar cheese scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and toast. As I cooked them all this food, I did not find myself craving any of it, or sneaking pieces of food into my mouth. I was shocked at my lack of interest in this food, and my will power. That same day, later in the afternoon I went to my moms house. If anyone knows me, they know that my mom makes the most delicious foods, particularly the most delicious Dominican food. She was unaware that I was on a diet and she had made some of my favorites. I was flattered, but again - not craving anything but what was on my diet list. She did however make salmon - so I cut up some lettuce and chopped up some onions and made a salad with some dressing. I ate the salmon with the salad. Once again, I was tempted with all food on the table - and not once did I budge to eat any of it.

Sunday was uneventful, except for the fact that I got my best friend Melanie, to come with me to Trader Joe's, since she needed to stock up on food. She is joining me and the many others that are on the 17 Day Diet. I am so proud of my beastie (yes, you read that correctly - we are beasties, NOT besties).

Monday was more eventful, being that it was the Memorial Day Weekend, we had a family BBQ to attend. I know - *GASP* how would I ever get through it? I amazed myself... I got up that morning, I did my work out, I made myself breakfast and I made my kids theirs. I cut up 2 large watermelons for the BBQ, some strawberries and some grapes that I was asked to bring. Then, I packed my lunch, my dinner, and my snacks.  I ate nothing at the BBQ that wasn't on my diet, the only thing I had was water - I had even brought my own green tea, that I had chilled - and drank it cold, like an iced green tea, it was refreshing. I am extremely proud of myself, I got through that day like it was nothing. The one thing I really wanted was an ice cold beer - cause it was a hell of a hot day, but I didn't even drink that, I had some iced green tea and water instead.

Usually on a day like this, I would cave in to the cravings and all the yummy food around, I'd stuff my face, and while I'm busy stuffing - I'd be happy. But minutes later, guilt would set in, extreme guilt and regret at the fact that I caved in. I'd feel worthless, like a loser, a big fat disgusting pig who couldn't control herself. But... for once in my life, I am in control... For once in my life, I am guilt-free...

I learned two things this weekend, 1) I am way too busy on the weekends to update my blog and 2) I can do anything that I set my mind to do. It's all about will power and how bad I want it - and to be fit, is something that I want bad!

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