Today is my 17th day on the Accelerate cycle of the 17 day diet. Although I am happy to have made it, I am not done - not only do I have two more cycles to start, I'm not done this this one, and here's why.
As I've mentioned before, the next 17 day cycle which is "Activate" contains more foods that I am able to add to my diet. Unfortunately - I did not prepare, and I need to get some groceries which I can't do until the weekend. This means that I will continue to eat the same foods from cycle one, for about another 3 days - which by now I am bored to death with!
So on Saturday, I will begin the shift into cycle two. As I was reading about cycle two a.k.a Activate, I learned that this is the cycle where I am able to eat certain grains - such as brown rice and oatmeal. I'll also be adding legumes to my diet, such as black beans, lentils, peas and garbanzos (chick peas). I can finally eat Starchy vegetables, like corn, potatoes. and sweet potatoes. I can also add shellfish such as clams, crab, mussels, oysters, scallops and shrimp ( I can eat these EVERYDAY). I can also FINALLY add beef and pork to my diet, but again, all must be lean.
The way cycle two works proves that the 17 day diet is not your same old diet. I'll be adding all of these delicious foods to my meal plan, but I will be interchanging every other day with a meal from the first cycle (Accelerate). For example on Day 1 I will have an activate day, where I will eat grains, legumes, beef, and shellfish. On day 2 I will have an accelerate day, where I can only eat poultry or certain fish, fruits and vegetables. All this means is that you are alternating a high calorie days with low calorie days in order to lose body fat. I'm not going into details about how exactly that works, because it's just too much to explain. If interested do the research or try getting / borrowing the book. You still eat the same fruits and veggies from the first cycle as well as the same probiotics.
I look forward to cycle 2 in anticipation, not only for all the other things I may now eat, but because it promises even more weight loss.
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